Time Of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
TOFD is method of Ultrasonic Testing is a sensitive and accurate method for the
Nondestructive Testing of welds for defects.
In a TOFD, a pair of Ultrasonic Probes sits on opposite sides of a weld. One of the
probes, the transmitter, emits an ultrasonic pulse that is picked up by the probe on the
other side, the receiver.
TOFD as tip-diffraction techniques which utilized the principle that the tips of a crack
when struck by a wave will diffract the signals back to the other location on the
surface. The depth of these tips can be determined from the diffracted energy.
The use of TOFD enabled crack sizes to be measured more accurately, so that
expensive components could be kept in operation as long as possible with minimum
risk of failure.
Measuring the amplitude of reflected signal is a relatively unreliable method of sizing
defects because the amplitude strongly depends on the orientation of the crack.
Instead of amplitude, TOFD uses the time of flight of an ultrasonic pulse to determine
the position and size of a reflector.