

Specialist in Advanced NDT inspection and certifcation services , manpower services.

FOCUS is an independent NDT company providing a Non-destructive Testing Services for industries all over the World.We are professional in Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), Time ofFlight Diffraction (TOFD), Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT)service provider for Offshore and Onshore Pipelines and Engineering Fabrications.FOCUS Inspection Technology have a team of dedicated, experienced and qualifiedMT, UT, PAUT and TOFD personnel.
We are happy to confirm that FOCUS Inspection Technology currently operates with Olympus OmniScan MX2 32:128PR and MX2 16:64 model with in
house designed and manufactured motorized / manual PAUT, TOFD scanner fordurability in the field.In the NDT business field, FOCUS Inspection Technology mainly concentrateson PAUT and TOFD. We provide unrivalled Focus, Experience, Quality of people,
Reliability of Equipment and Prompt response to the client.We consider that with Olympus OmniScan MX2 system and Scanner (selfdesigned and manufactured), FOCUS Inspection Technology is in pace with the bigPAUT / TOFD companies.FOCUS conduct NDT training courses & examinations to qualify successfulcandidates as ASNT Level II.FOCUS Inspection Technology will always be available for your service asand when required.

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